10 of the Best 1920’s Cocktails – A Cocktails Perspective

10 Best Cocktails of the 1920's

The 1920s was a important decade in the world of cocktails in the United States. This era is fondly remembered for the Prohibition Era too. It was the time when alcohol was banned in the States.

Prohibition may have banned liquor in some parts of the world, but spirits flowed freely in the back alleys. As they say- “necessity is the mother of invention”, many amazing cocktails were discovered in this era.

There were many amazing drinks that originated in this era, which became a hot favorite of cocktail enthusiasts all around the world.

We will be talking about some of the best cocktails that made the era, memorable.


Mint is a powerful hub that does a splendid job of taking over a drink’s flavour. The recipe to make this drink is pretty simple. The drink is a refreshing rum based cocktails which has its roots dating back to the 1920s.

This is easily one of the best cocktails in the world. The fact that it doesn’t require much efforts to prepare this famous drink, is a cherry on the top of the cake. This drink is perfect for beginners.


This drink is another 1920s originated cocktail which has made a name for itself. The Mimosa requires 3 vital ingredients- orange juice, triple sec and champagne. Sparkling wine is added last.

Due to this fact, there is no need to stir the drink as the wine does the mixing for you. This famous “pour and drink” cocktail has been enjoyed by cocktail enthusiasts. There are different Mimosa recipes available, which allow drinkers to taste the variations of this drink.

All the variations are easy to prepare just like the original version. Garnishing helps in enhancing the appeal of the drink and thus should be paid special attention to.


Another famous cocktail of the 1920s is the Gibson. It is a drink that every gin lover would want to taste. This cocktail has grown in popularity during its century long existence. It is very easy to prepare and doesn’t require much work on your part.

Gibson is nothing but a gin martini that is garnished with a cocktail onion, or 3 depending on your preference. As compared to the traditional olive garnishing, this method gives a slightly different undertone to the drink.

This drink has many variations but the original version is still loved the most. The ingredients are easily available and should be present in your kitchen. Try it once and you will fall in love with it.


This sophisticated aperitif comprises of equal parts of sweet vermouth, gin and Campari. It is a delicious cocktail that js enjoyed by all cocktail enthusiasts. Campari is an acquired taste.

Some people fall in love with it in an instant, others take some time getting used to it. It a fabulous drink which has been seen in the hands of every individual trying to relax during happy hours. Try the Negroni once, to fall in love with the taste of bitter aperitifs.

French 75

One of the most popular champagne drinks, French 75 is a cocktail that should be enjoyed by every drinker. It has got the perfect combo of flavor, elegance and a unique aftertaste that makes you want more. It is a gin based cocktail which is topped with vibrant sparkling wine.

It is an amazing drink to sooth oneself. This timeless cocktail was created after world war 1 and has been gaining fame ever since.

One interesting fact about the drink is that it was named after an artillery gun. 75mm M1897 was the gun that gave an inspiration for naming this soothing cocktail.

It was in New York city’s famous Stork Club that the drink became a hit. Earlier this drink used to be made using cognac. But gin is the most popular base to make this refreshing cocktail now.

Yellow Bird Cocktail

This appealing drink is a rum based cocktail which is delightful to taste. Though orange juice is a part of the primary recipe of the drink, banana and pineapple are the ingredients used in its many variations.

This drink is a hit in the Caribbean beaches. The way this drink is prepared differs a lot and you will hardly find 2 yellow birds made in a similar fashion. The flavor combo of all the ingredients is exhilarating.

This drink makes for a great summertime cocktail. It should be enjoyed while relaxing yourself in the warm and lazy summertime.

The garnishing of the drink along with its attractive yellow color, makes a cocktail that is truly fantastic. Enjoy this 1920s originated drink and sooth yourself in summer.

The Sidecar Cocktail

Another drink which originated in 1920s and has been making cocktail enthusiasts swoon over its taste is the Sidecar Cocktail. This drink makes a good case for the amazing flavor of a well prepared sour drink.

While cognac was used initially, it has now been substituted by Bourbon to make this drink. Whatever base you use to make this drink, be careful about the other ingredients too.

You should be able to find the right combination of sweet and sour to make a great drink. Too much lemon or too much liqueur can destroy the intended flavor of the drink. Rimming the glass with sugar is a 21st century addition to the drink, and can be tried to make the drink more delicious.

Mary Pickford

This is a fun and fruity rum martini which originated in the 1920s. This fabulous drink is known for its flavor and is a great happy hour cocktail.

It is delightful to taste and pretty easy to make. Rum is the spirit of choice for this drink. The exotic flavor of this drink is bound to mesmerize the drinkers, long before they have the last sip. It is a drink that is loved by many, in the world of cocktails.

The recipe of this drink is so simple that it can be very easily mixed up. The petite blond star “ Mary Pickford” was known as “Little Mary.” This was so, because she played the role of little girls and boys well into her late 30s.

She won the Oscar for best actress and was deservedly the inspiration of this famous cocktail.  Light rum, grenadine and pineapple juice are combined to produce this amazing cocktail, which should be tried by ever cocktail lover.

The Algonquin Cocktail

A whiskey martini with little tropical flavor, the Algonquin Cocktail is a drink that is enjoyed by many people in the world of cocktails. Dry whiskey is paired with dry vermouth and pineapple juice to create this exotic drink.

It is a drink that is also known for its unique look and the perfect combo of sweet and sour. It is one of the best drinks to ease yourself into, to tolerate the scorching heat of the summer season.

This can be served at dinner or can be devoured at the times when you need to relax yourself after a hectic day at work. This drink was named after the famous Algonquin hotel in the New York city.

Since its inception, it has been gaining a huge number of followers, and is easily one of the classiest cocktails.

Rob Roy

Simply put, a Rob Roy is a Scotch Manhattan. The choice of whisky is what separates it from the other Manhattans. The recipe to make this drink is pretty simple.

You simply pair your favorite Scotch with sweet vermouth to create a gem of a drink. It is very easy to make and is one of those cocktails that every bartender should know how to make.

This drink should be tried at least once by every cocktail lover. And once you have it, you would surely want to taste more!


These are some of the drinks that originated in 1920s. The decade  gave us some amazing drinks that have been present among us even after a century and have made a name for themselves.

These drink are very easy to make. The combination of the various ingredients, make some amazing drinks that are cherished by every cocktail lover around the world.

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