10 of the Best Vegan Cocktails – A Cocktails Perspective

Being vegan has become the new cool. Apart from the many health benefits, there are many environmental benefits as well. Many people have been opting for the vegan lifestyle nowadays. There has been an increased sense of awareness related with the lifestyle modifications and the environmental benefits of being vegan.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is a great way to maintain a fit body. But when you go vegan, what are the different cocktails that you can try? Let us answer that question.

There are many amazing vegan cocktails which can be tried by people opting for the vegan lifestyle. There are many amazing vegan cocktails that can be cherished even if the vegan lifestyle has not captivated you. Vegans are often accused of being as serious about life as they are about their diet. But that is not the case.

Vegans like to have fun too. And these vegan cocktails are a proof that if vegans want, they can have as much fun as the others, if not more. So let us discuss the 10 best vegan cocktails every cocktail enthusiast should try.

Cranberry Mojito Punch

Rum is a very popular base used for making cocktails. It is a spirit that can be used with a wide variety of other ingredients to produce delightful cocktails. Rum based cocktails are known for their amazing taste and great flavor combinations.

Adding cranberry juice to a traditional Mojito will make this amazing cocktail. It is a fantastic drink for many reasons. It has some amazing variations too.

Cranberry juice also has additional medicinal properties. The cranberries are loaded with vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is essential for many bodily functions. Getting health benefits while sipping a cocktail is a dream come true for many, isn’t it?

Cranberries are also known to add a festive flair to the drinks in which they act as an ingredient, especially the drinks served in a BBQ party. This sweet and delicious drink is pretty easy to mix up. It puts a fruity spin on the classic Mojito recipe.

Rum, cranberry juice and lime are the key ingredients required to make this drink.  This fabulous vegan cocktail can be enjoyed all summer. It can be easily prepared for large groups and is a great choice for a party. All you need to do is mix the ingredients in the right proportion.

The flavor of Cranberry Juice and rum combines beautifully and produces a drink that is pleasant to taste. This amazing drink should be tried by every cocktail enthusiast even if they do not follow a vegan lifestyle.

Vegan White Russian

The White Russian is an amazing vodka based cocktail. The Vegan White Russian is the vegan variation of a cocktail loved by all cocktail enthusiasts.

This easily prepared drink is a drink that is loved by many people.  Vodka, Coffee Liqueur and cream are the main ingredients of this drink. These are easily available and hence the drink takes little to no time to prepare.

The substitutions made to prepare this drink are- coconut milk or cream is used in place of milk. It is mixed with Kaluha to prepare this drink. This warm drink can be used in winter parties. It is an amazing cocktail that can be shared with friends.

The vegan White Russian is a fun happy hour drink that can become a favorite. It is a drink that every drinker should taste. Vodka mixed with coconut cream is a delight to taste. The amazing flavor combination sticks long after you have devoured the whole drink.

Enjoy this drink post dinner, after a tiring day at work. This quick drink is a refreshing and soothing cocktail that can lift up your spirits with ease. The nutritional benefits you get by consuming coconut cream is another added advantage of sipping this vegan cocktail.

An old fashioned glass is used to consume this drink, most of the time. Just like the vegan variation of the White Russian, there are many vodka based cocktails whose vegan variations can be tired.

Blood Orange Margarita

A classic Margarita is a drink that is one of the most popular cocktails enjoyed by every cocktail lover. It has a huge fan base and is one of the most sought after drink in the bar.

The Blood Orange Margarita is a vegan take on the classic Margarita. It is a wonderful drink that is enjoyed by many. A good margarita can set things up for a great evening. This vegan cocktail has a similar effect on the moods of those who drink it. This amazing cocktail is an easy drink to prepare.

Lime based mixes are used to prepare most margaritas. But you can opt for different variations if it suits you. Trying a different fruit to make this drink is a good idea for those who have come to love the original recipe. You should always use freshly prepared juices for this drink.

This had dual benefits. First is that you get to taste the best version of the drink. The second advantage is that you are able to avoid any additives. Many preservatives that are added to keep the juice fresh can also be avoided.

Ginger beer is also added to the drink to make it more delicious. Blood oranges are used in this drink for their distinctive color and flavor. This drink can be prepared from scratch within minutes. A good tequila brand is used to make this vegan cocktail.

You can also rim the glass with salt to give a distinct taste to the drink. This drink will make you fall in love with it in no time. There are many amazing flavor combinations that can be tried once you fall in love with the original recipe.

Mulled Wine

Most people believe that essentially all wine is vegan. Wine js nothing but fermented grape juice. So it has got to be vegan, right? But unfortunately that is not the case.

Many wineries add what are called “fining agents”, to the wine, during the fermentation process. Gelatine and Albumin are the most commonly used fining agents which are added to wines.

Although they are fine for vegetarians, if you are intending to keep a vegan diet, you will definitely don’t want to consume them.

Although the United States does not require wines to compulsorily label whether or not they are vegetarian or vegan-friendly, you can shop for wines that are actively marketed to vegans and which are proactively labelled to mention the ingredients used in their processes. So you can shop for drinks that are vegan, and enjoy these vegan cocktails.

This warm drink is a good cocktail to be devoured in cold nights. It has an amazing taste and is pleasant to drink. It takes very little time to prepare and its ingredients are easily available.

You can share this drink with friends on any occasion, and make it more memorable. This fantastic sipper will stick with you for a long time. You will be so accustomed to this drink that it will be a matter of time before you search up for new excuses to devour it again

Lemon Drop

This is another vegan cocktail that is an amazing drink for vegans. Vodka is the spirit of choice to make this drink. It has an amazing flavor and a very pleasant taste.

The recipe is easy to follow and gives you a great happy hour drink, that you can share with your friends. It has an amazing combo of triple sec, lemon juice and vodka. It can be prepared by mixing just the right proportion of these ingredients. The end result, is a fantastic cocktail.

Lime wedge can be used to garnish this drink. This drink is an amazing cocktail with a great visual appeal too. Even people who do not follow vegan lifestyle, can enjoy this drink.

It is an amazing cocktail that can be devoured after a long tiring day at work. It is a drink that is very refreshing and soothing. The fact that this amazing drink is vegan friendly, is a cherry on the top of the cake.  This magical cocktail can be enjoyed on any occasion.

This drink is an amazing reminder as to why vegan cocktails can be as tempting and delicious as any other drink. All you need is the right recipe and the perfect combo of all ingredients, and you will have a drink worth having.

Guava Mezcal Mule

This variation of the Moscow Mule is an amazing vegan cocktail. It has an exquisite flavor and a very pleasant taste. This delicious cocktail is easy to prepare and doesn’t require many ingredients. This is a fizzy hybrid of Moscow Mule and Margarita.

It has a flavor combination that will totally blow your mind. This vegan cocktail can be served at any occasion. There are many amazing benefits of guavas and the nutritional aspects of this drink are an added advantage.

This dairy free and gluten free drink is perfect for people who strictly follow the vegan lifestyle. It has a charm of its own. Guava juice, ginger beer and lime are needed to make this drink. These ingredients combine beautifully and produce an amazing cocktail.

This drink can be prepared at home without any hassle. If you are a vegan or are inviting vegan friends over for a party, you can easily mix this drink up and serve. A Moscow Mule mug may be the right glassware to serve this drink in.

Lilikoi Passion Fruit Cocktail

This tropical fruity cocktail can be enjoyed with friends on any occasion. It is an amazing vegan cocktail which requires very little efforts to prepare. This delightful drink is a favorite of not only vegans but cocktail enthusiasts in general.

Another great aspect of this drink is its amazing visual appeal. It has got an enticing element of elegance added to it. It can easily woo the best cocktail lovers into devouring more than one glass of it. With a flavor combo that is a treat for the taste buds, you can expect everyone at a party to ask for more.

This vodka based vegan cocktail can be enjoyed with friends at a party. The passion fruit is a delicious and nutritional addition to this drink. As the vegan lifestyle promoters healthy eating, this drink compliments the food that you eat.

It has a very easy recipe that will not take more than a few minutes to execute. This sweet delight is a drink whose taste remains with you for a long time. So, if you are looking for a drink that has more than one health benefit and is delicious too, have a go at this.

Summer Garden Gin Fizz Cocktail

This gin based drink is an amazing vegan drink to try out with friends. It can be prepared with ease and doesn’t require much efforts. Gin is a great spirit of choice to make some amazingly delicious cocktails.

It combines well with other ingredients and makes up for an awesome cocktail spirit. This drink is a great heat blaster and should be devoured on warm summer days. It is sure to make you feel a lot better in the blowing heat of the summer.

To put it poetically, it tastes like winter in a glass. It is just the right refreshment that you and your friends would be needing after a tiring day at work in summer.

This happy hour drink is a drink that is loved by many cocktail enthusiasts. It can be served to many people at once. Large batches of this drink can be created with ease.

This vegan cocktail should be tried by every cocktail lover at least once. It will be an experience that they will never forget.

Papaya And Mango Margarita

Margarita variations make up for some amazing vegan cocktails. This tequila based cocktail will do wonders to your palate once you have it. It has got an amazing taste and is a drink that any cocktail lover can fall in love with.

When the temperature is soaring high and you need something to give you a brain freeze, you should go for this drink. This frozen smooth drink is the drink of choice for hot summer days. It has got an amazing flavor combo and will make you feel fantastic, the moment you start sipping it.

Papaya and mango are both delicious on their own. When the juices of these 2 nutritional fruits are mixed together, a marvelous drink is formed. Tequila blends well with the other ingredients and produces a wickedly delightful drink.

This enchanting drink is a boon for those who are tired of the summer days. The tiring and lethargic feel of the summer can be tackled by devouring this drink. It has a sweet taste and once you have a sip, you will be consuming it as much as you can, to beat the heat.

Strawberry Pom Mojito

This vegan cocktail is an amazing drink to devour on any occasion. Rum is the spirit of choice to prepare this drink. It is an amazing cocktail which can be prepared with ease.

It doesn’t require much efforts and all the ingredients needed to make this drink are easily available. If you are looking for a vegan drink that is soothing and refreshing, then look no further.

This drink has got all the qualities needed to become a hot favorite of any cocktail lover. It has an amazing flavor and a good visual appeal.

Mint, rum, lime juice and soda water are the ingredients needed to make this drink. The other vital ingredient is ice cubes- loads of them. If you are looking to beat the heat of the summer then plenty of ice cubes can do the trick. With a slight change in the quantity of the ingredients, you can prepare a large batch to serve many people.

It is an amazing drink that will suit all the people following the vegan lifestyle. But even if you are not fully vegan, you should try this drink once. Be prepared to have your mind blown as you do so.

These are 10 best vegan cocktails that you can try. Apart from being goof in taste, these drink also have a nutritional value. They can be prepared with ease and are drinks that do not require much hassle to make.

With the right ingredients and the perfect timing, you can be sipping these drinks with your friends and enjoy. Vegan lifestyle is all about having the best nutrition provided to your body, in a healthy way.

Even if you do not strictly follow the vegan lifestyle, you can try these drinks if you are a cocktail enthusiast. These drinks are some amazing cocktails that have a flavour appealing enough, to mesmerise all those who try them.

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