30 of Halloween’s Best Cocktails – The Best Advice

Halloween is not just creepy costumes, it is also about creepy dishes and drinks! Moreover, everything inflicts horror in them: both names and appearance. An eye poked on a fork, brains in a plate, and glasses of blood with the color of blood or swamp gas, glowing in the dark, horror!

We’ll talk about how to create all this horror in our kitchen by preparing cocktails for Halloween. In order for your party to be saturated with the spirit of Gothic and horror, you don’t need to run to a specialized store of terrible jokes or learn how to cook extremely complicated dishes and drinks. There are a lot of tricks and little things that will help you to turn something ordinary, in general, into some unimaginable nightmare.

Blood Brain


  • 50 ml of strawberry vodka
  • 25 ml of Baileys liquor
  • 20 ml lime or lemon juice
  • Grenadine
  • Straw


  1. Mix vodka and lime juice in a shaker, strain through a strainer into a glass.
  2. Pull a little liquor into the straw, hold the upper end with your finger and lower the straw into vodka.
  3. Slowly release your finger and release the liquor in the form of thick threads.
  4. Add grenadine, mix a little.

Bloody Mary


  • 50 ml of vodka
  • 120 g of tomato juice,
  • ½ tsp grated horseradish
  • A few drops of hot sauce


  1. Fill the edges and walls of the glass with streams of “blood”, put the glass in the refrigerator.
  2. When the drops of “blood” harden, put ice in a glass, pour vodka, put horseradish, drip hot sauce and add tomato sauce.
  3. Stir, garnish with a sprig of celery and a “bloody eye” (steps to make a “bloody eye” at the bottom of this article”.

Bloody Mary (for 4 servings):

  • 3 cups tomato juice
  • 200 ml vodka
  • 3 tbsp. grated horseradish
  • 2 tbsp. l soy sauce
  • 3 tsp. hot sauce
  • 1 lemon (juice)
  • ¼ tsp ground pepper

Vampire Kiss


  • 50 ml of vodka
  • 50 ml of champagne
  • 25 ml of raspberry liqueur


  1. Decorate the edge of the glass with drops of “blood”.
  2. Pour vodka, 10 ml of liquor into a glass, then champagne.
  3. Pour the remaining liquor over the knife to the bottom to get a precipitate.

Bloody Martini


  • 75 ml of flavored vodka
  • 25 ml of bright red thick berry juice
  • 15 ml lime or lemon juice
  • 20-30 ml of champagne


  1. Mix vodka with juice and ice, shake.
  2. Strain into a martini glass, pour champagne on top.
  3. Garnish with a wedge of lime.

Song Of The Siren


  • 90 ml of champagne
  • 30 ml ginger ale
  • 15 ml raspberry liqueur
  • 15 ml raspberry puree


  1. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Do not forget about jewelry!

Sweet Witch


  • 45 ml of absinthe
  • 20 ml almond syrup
  • 15 ml lime juice
  • 20-30 ml of champagne
  • 3-4 cherries
  • Ground nutmeg


  1. Pound cherries with syrup and lime juice, add absinthe and ice, shake.
  2. Strain into a prepared glass, pour champagne on top, sprinkle with nutmeg.
  3. Garnish with a cherry on a skewer.



  • 60 ml of rum
  • 30 ml coconut milk
  • 90 ml of pineapple juice


  1. The edges of the glasses and the walls of the outside pour streams of “blood”.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a blender with ice, pour into a glass.
  3. Against the background of a white cocktail, crimson streaks look very contrasting.

Graveyard Ghost


  • 60 ml of black vodka
  • 60 ml cream liqueur
  • 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream
  • Grated nutmeg


  1. Mix vodka and liquor.
  2. Put a scoop of ice cream on the bottom of the glass and fill it with alcohol.
  3. Sprinkle with nutmeg.
  4. Have a drink right away.

Creepy Screwdriver


  • 45 ml of black vodka
  • ½ stack. freshly squeezed tangerine juice
  • ¼ stack. ice


  1. Pour ice into a tall glass, add juice.
  2. On the blade of a knife or using a teaspoon, carefully add black vodka, being careful not to mix the layers.

Horrible Martini


  • 30 ml of black vodka
  • 60 ml of cherry juice
  • Ice
  • Raspberries and strawberries for decoration


  1. Vigorously mix vodka and juice.
  2. Pour into a martini glass, add ice.
  3. Garnish with a toothpick and berries.

Crazy Eyes


  • 15 ml of blue liquor
  • 30 ml of vodka
  • 60 ml lychee juice
  • 1 lychee fruit for decoration
  • some red jam
  • 1 blueberry


  1. Mix vodka, liquor and juice in a shaker, shake, and pour into a glass.
  2. Make a crazy “eye” (instructions at the end of article), prick it on a cocktail stick, and put it on a glass.



  • 60 ml of blue liquor
  • 30 ml of vodka
  • 5 ml of lemon juice
  • Ice
  • Glow stick for decoration


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a shaker, shake, and strain into a martini glass.
  2. Decorate with a glow stick.
  3. The look of this cocktail is simply mesmerizing so make sure to take pictures!

Bite Of A Wolf


  • 30 ml of absinthe
  • 30 ml of lemon or lime juice
  • 30 ml melon liqueur
  • 45 ml pineapple juice
  • A drop of grenadine


  1. Mix liquor, absinthe and pineapple juice in a shaker with ice, strain into a glass.
  2. Pour lime juice on top and drip the grenadine.
  3. A drop of bright grenadine spreads in a glass, causing associations with poison.

Fox Poison


  • 30 ml of Chartreuse liqueur
  • 30 ml of absinthe
  • 10 ml of green Curacao
  • 50-75 ml of milk
  • Ice


  1. Mix alcoholic drinks in a glass with ice.
  2. Carefully pour in cold milk, being careful not to mix the layers.

Double Risk


  • 45 ml nut liqueur
  • 45 ml black sambuca
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream
  • Ice


  1. Mix all ingredients except milk in a tall glass with ice.
  2. Then use the knife to pour the milk, you get a contrasting black and white drink.
  3. Put a scoop of ice cream on top.
  4. The cocktail is served with a pair of straws and an ice cream spoon with a long handle.



  • 45 ml of vodka
  • 45 ml lime juice
  • sugar for decoration
  • Ice


  1. Moisten the edge of the glass with water and dip in sugar, you get “frost”.
  2. Beat vodka with juice and ice in a blender, carefully pour into a glass, and decorate with a slice of lime.

Crazy Russian


  • 30 ml of vodka
  • 30 ml coffee liqueur
  • 15 ml Baileys liquor
  • 15 ml schnapps with a taste of creamy iris
  • 150 ml of milk


  1. Mix alcoholic drinks in a shaker with ice.
  2. Shake thoroughly.
  3. Pour into a glass, gently pour milk on top.

Dracula’s Cloak


  • 30 ml of vodka
  • 15 ml grenadine
  • 150 ml cola
  • Cherry for decoration


  1. Pour grenadine into the bottom of a tall glass, put ice, and pour vodka.
  2. Then gently pour the Coke so as not to mix the layers.
  3. Garnish with cherries.

Hell Raisers


  • 15 ml melon liquor
  • 15 ml strawberry liquor
  • 15 ml peppermint liquor
  • 15 ml sambuca
  1. Pour melon liqueur into layers in a tall glass, gently, without stirring.
  2. Pour strawberry, mint and on top – a black layer of sambuca.
  3. This is a very difficult cocktail, but if you manage to do everything right, then you are guaranteed success!

Skeleton Key


  • 15 ml tequila
  • 15 ml of vodka
  • 15 ml of bourbon


  1. Pour all the ingredients into a stack, starting with tequila.
  2. Do not mix.
  3. Drink in one gulp.


Ingredients for 20 servings

  • 20 pcs of refined olives
  • 20 pcs of blueberries or cranberries
  • 1 bottle of martini


  1. Place the berry in the opening of the stone.
  2. Fix the structure with a toothpick.
  3. Throw in a glass, pour martini.

Frankenstein’s Bride

Ingredients for 2 servings

  • 100 g of condensed milk
  • 60 g of vodka
  • 30 g of chocolate liquor
  • 60 ml of milk
  • 20 g of chocolate syrup
  • 2 tbsp. l Nutella oils – ice
  • Sweets with soft filling for decoration


  1. Mix the components in a blender until a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Pour into glasses, add ice.
  3. Candy strung on toothpicks.
  4. Paste into the finished cocktail.

Witch’s Heart

  • Ingredients for 1 serving
  • 30 g of apple-flavored vodka
  • 1 tbsp. pomegranate juice
  • 30 g of purple liquor or 10 ml of currant syrup
  • Dry ice (optional)


  1. Pour dry ice powder (approximately ½ tsp) onto the bottom of the glass.
  2. Pour in the vodka.
  3. Enter liquor (syrup) into the middle layer of vodka with an ordinary medical syringe or at the tip of a knife.
  4. Gently drizzle pomegranate juice onto the surface.
  5. With stirring, steam from dry ice starts to rise from the cocktail.

Alice In Wonderland

A very simple Halloween cocktails will leave a lasting impression due to the unusual serving.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • ¾ glass. Vodka
  • ¼ glass. Grenadine
  • 10-15 ml of food flavoring “Baked milk” or “Vanilla”


  1. In a jug or saucepan, mix the ingredients.
  2. Pour into 50 ml identical bottles.
  3. Close the corks, attach the tags “Drink me.”

Unicorn Blood

Ingredients for 4-5 servings

  • 200 g of frozen raspberries
  • 5 tsp Sahara
  • 4 tbsp. l water
  • 1 tbsp. l confectionery spangles
  • 200 g of vodka
  • 100 g of lemon or orange syrup


  1. Raspberries, water and sugar grate through a fine sieve in mashed potatoes.
  2. Mix vodka with colored syrup.
  3. Place mashed potatoes at the bottom of the glass, add alcohol and sprinkle with confectionery spangles.

Elixir Of Mr. Hyde

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • 250 g of vodka
  • 125 g of creamy liquor
  • 125 g of berry liquor
  • 50 ml of syrup
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 8 pcs of blackberries
  • Dry ice (optional)


  1. String blackberries on decorative skewers (you can use sprigs of lavender or any other flowers with a hard stem).
  2. Set the decor aside for a while.
  3. Mix vodka with lemon juice.
  4. At the tip of the knife, carefully pour the ingredients in layers in the following order: creamy liquor, berry liquor, syrup, vodka with juice.
  5. Carefully place the blackberry skewers in the liquid.
  6. Blow dry ice into a glass of smoke.
  7. The cooking method for the lazy involves a simple mixture of the components and the addition of dry ice directly to the glass before serving.

Master and Margarita


  • 3-4 ice cubes
  • 1 lime
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 50 g of tequila
  • Red wine or red syrup


  1. Place the first 4 components in a blender and mix in the “Ice crushing” mode.
  2. Pour into a glass.
  3. At the tip of the knife, introduce the red substance.
  4. The thicker it is, the more likely it is to get a layered drink for Halloween.

Magic Jelly Shots

Ingredients for 10-12 servings

  • 1 pack of any acid-colored jelly (kiwi, lemon, grape)
  • 300 ml of boiling water
  • 100 g of vodka
  • Food coloring
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara


  1. Dye the sugar.
  2. Let it dry.
  3. Mix vodka with boiling water, dilute jelly with this liquid, according to the instructions on the label.
  4. Pour into small plastic glasses.
  5. Send to the refrigerator until thickened. Sprinkle on top with contrasting colored sugar.

Hocus Pocus

Ingredients for 3-4 servings

  • 2/3 tbsp. nectar “Multifruit”
  • 1/3 Art. Coconut Rum
  • 0.5 lt of highly sparkling water
  • Black sugar or confectionery spangles
  • Honey


  1. Grease the edge of the wine glasses with honey and sprinkle with sugar or sparkles.
  2. Brush off excess with a brush.
  3. Allow to dry a little in the freezer.
  4. Mix juice and rum.
  5. Gently pour into beautiful glasses.
  6. Just before serving add soda to make bubbles.

Halloween Cocktail Decorations

  • Bloody eye
  • Single hand in punch bowl
  • Bloody smudges
  • Halloween cocktail appearances

Bloody Eye

A cocktail decoration in the form of a bloody eye looks creepy, but simple. We take the radish and peel the skin so that red veins remain on a white background. Cut the middle to the size of Halloween Cocktails.

We stuff the olive with red pepper or blueberries. We collect our bloody eye: insert the olive into the radish and prick this structure on a cocktail stick.

You can also make a wonderful believable eye from the Chinese lychee fruit: dry the lychee fruit, fill it with bright red jam, insert the blueberry and prick it on a straw or cocktail. These “eyes” can be frozen in ice tins – just fill them with water and you will have eerie ice cubes in glasses.

Hand In A Bowl With Punch

Ice in the form of a cut off hand in a bowl with a punch – how do you like this surprise? Your guests will appreciate it! Take a cleanly washed glove and fill it with water or juice. Remember that not all juices freeze! Put the filled glove in the freezer.

Before removing the “hand” from the glove, dip it in boiling water for a few seconds. In ice cubes you can freeze gelatin worms and spiders, you get great ice for witch drinks!

Braiding a glass with a drink with a disgusting web is also easy. Melt the bitter chocolate in milk or cream, type it into a disposable syringe and quickly apply a spider web pattern to the inside of the glass. It is clear that the drink should be transparent.

Bloody smudges

Well, the classic of the genre – bloody smudges – is generally simple. Mix the bright red Halloween Cocktails with opaque juice and swollen gelatin, warm until the gelatin dissolves and cool slightly. Dip the edges of the glasses in the resulting “blood” and quickly turn them over so that drops drip picturesquely on the glass. To increase the similarity, place a few bruises on the walls of the glasses and put the glasses in the refrigerator.

Bright red grenadine syrup will help you turn even an ordinary glass of vodka into a vampire drink: pour grenadine into the bottom of the glass, put ice and gently pour vodka to keep the grenadine at the bottom.

Halloween cocktail appearance

Halloween cocktails must certainly be incredible colors! Absinthe, which when mixed with water gives a cloudy green color, liquors of all shades of red, blue “Hypnotic”, and also black vodka, is very useful. Black vodka is generally a horror movie party finder. Even the classic “Bloody Mary” with black vodka looks completely different on Halloween.

Disgusting in appearance and delicious in taste is a cocktail that looks like brains in a glass. It is also easy to make: it is necessary to carefully add Bailey’s liqueur to any strong alcoholic beverage.

This is done with the help of a cocktail tube – we collect the liquor into the tube, pinch it with a finger so that the liquor does not flow out, and release it into a glass with vodka or gin. At the same time, the liqueur curls into balls. If the trick has not gone out, then drink the failed cocktail and start over.

Well, we figured out the decoration, it’s up to the recipes. Halloween cocktails are mostly simple and do not require mastery of the shaker. You will be able to pour the layers of the cocktail without mixing – excellent!

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