The Best Cocktails for Two – A Cocktails Perspective

It is said that drinking in pairs is always better than drinking alone, this sentence applies the most to the cocktails. From the ancient time, people consumed cocktails in company, usually at the parties, but nowadays cocktails are drank in different occasions, even on a business meetings or on gathering of two  people.

Since most of the cocktail consumption mostly depends on person’s taste, there is no right way to determine the perfect combination of cocktails for two.

Nevertheless, there are some cocktails that are usually drank among two people. Most of the times, the occasion for such thing is a romantic night out, St. Valentine’s Day, New Year or etc. In this article we will talk about several cocktails that are drank among two people within different occasion and share the interesting facts about them.

Pineapple Whiskey Sour

You can study history by the names of cocktails. There are drinks named after the most significant military victories, fateful facts and high-profile episodes of the past.

Take, for example, the Hasty King cocktail, which includes bourbon, vodka, coconut syrup, cream and pineapple juice. This original cocktail is served in pineapple. A story of three hundred years ago is connected with it, transporting us to the times of the King of France and Navarre Louis XIV de Bourbon.

Louis the Great was one of the brightest characters in history. Nicknamed the King of the Sun, he personified an entire era in which victories on the battlefields alternated with grandiose court ballets and masquerades.

The legend of the origin of the cocktail says that once Louis was in a hurry, and they offered him to try a new overseas fruit – pineapple. The king had no time to cut a pineapple, and he did not know how to eat it.

He just dug into the ripe side of the pineapple with his teeth. The result was cut lips and a spoiled mood, and the angry king with one stroke of the pen forbade the import of these treacherous fruits into France.

The French were able to appreciate these exotic fruits only after the death of Louis. The ban of the hasty king was canceled, and the cocktail that did not allow to forget this annoying misunderstanding remained.

The drink itself is usually served in a pineapple and very common to drinking two people, because of the taste and unique appearance.

Cocktail For Two – Gin and Tonic

Some cocktails were originally medical prescriptions for various ailments. The popular gin and tonic appeared as a means of fighting British soldiers with Indian malaria. Quinine water, which was effective as a medicine but had a nasty taste, was flavored with gin. The British were so used to this drink that they brought it to their homeland.

Over time, quinine water was replaced by tonic – a carbonated soft drink with a bitter taste. Decorated with lime or lemon juice, this wonderful refreshing cocktail has transformed from a local drug into a drink that is recognized and loved around the world.

Like Gin and tonic, the equally famous Mojito cocktail was also a medicine before, and today it is served in a tall glass with ice.

Cocktails For Two – For Women

There are some night when you want to go out and have a good time with your friend – a girl’s night out. One of the best part of a good girl’s night out is a cocktail.

Even though I have mentioned before in the article that cocktails are drank by people because of their unique taste and each person chooses the cocktail by the taste, there are some cocktails that girls prefer to drink on girls’ night out.

Bloody Mary

One of such cocktail is famous Bloody Marry. Some bartenders suggest that the Bloody Mary cocktail is named after Queen of England Mary Tudor, who ascended the throne at the age of 37. She was forced to take control of a destroyed, plundered and mendicant country. The restoration of England was brutal. Mary had to get her hands dirty with blood, without pity executing those who prevented the achievement of the necessary political goals.

Noble enemies were cut off their heads, hundreds of Protestants burned in the fires, refusing to accept the Catholic faith. So Maria Tudor got her middle name – Maria Bloody. The cocktail consists of one part of vodka and two parts of tomato juice, and as additives – salt, pepper and a slice of lemon.

The authorship of Bloody Mary is attributed to the Frenchman Fernand Patio, the bartender from the New York bar in Paris. The French wrinkled their nose at this cocktail, but the inhabitants of America, where Patio emigrated, took the cocktail with a bang and made it the most “hyped” in the world.

Some believe that Mary Stuart has nothing to do with this cocktail, and he appeared thanks to one pretty visitor to the Chicago bar “Blood Dipper”. In any case, women could not do without women.

Modern bartenders have created many variations of this cocktail. Leaving unchanged the base of vodka and tomato juice, they expanded the spice palette.

Cosmopolitan Cocktail

Cosmopolitan cocktail was attributed to female bartender Cheryl Cook, and he also became famous thanks to the ladies – the four heroines of the series Sex and the City.

Cheryl Cook, working in a bar in Florida, noticed that even those who do not have a love for martini order it only to show off with a stylish glass. The observant barwomen took a martini glass and mixed Absolut Lemon vodka, Triple Sec liqueur, lime syrup and a little cranberry juice in it.

Margarita Cocktail

Where there are women, tender and quivering feelings will certainly flourish. Romantic stories are related to the origin of the Margarita cocktail. It also includes Cointreau liquor and lime juice, but tequila is taken instead of vodka. This cocktail is often served with crushed ice crumbs, and then it gets the name “Frozen Margarita”. Women’s options are Strawberry Margarita and Strawberry Margarita.

One legend of the origin of this cocktail is connected with the story of David Negreto’s love for a girl named Margarita. David was the host of the bar at the Garci Crispo Hotel. He was an extremely talented bartender. Best of all, he knew how to invent new drinks. The Margarita cocktail was invented in honor of a beautiful lover.

Another story of the appearance of this cocktail is connected with another bartender, the Latino Pincho Morales from the Mexican bar Tommy’s Place. They say that a pretty visitor ordered a Magnolia cocktail, and the bartender did not have the necessary ingredients. In order not to refuse a stranger, Morales mixed tequila and Cointreau liquor, adding lime juice there. The cocktail turned out to be pleasant, and the girl was satisfied.

Another myth about the birth of this cocktail is associated with Margarita Saims. She threw parties for bohemia and mixed original tequila-based cocktails, including a drink named after her.

Tequila Sunrise

Tequila is also the main ingredient in the Tequila Sunrise cocktail. Which is supplemented with grenadine liquor and orange juice. This cocktail was advertised by members of the Rolling Stones. The beautiful red-yellow color of this cocktail resembles a fiery sunset.

Cocktails for two – For Men

It is said that cocktails are not for man. This sentence can’t be more wrong. Consumption of cocktails is very common in man as well. There are some types of cocktails that man like to drink in company of two.

Screwdriver cocktail

The Screwdriver cocktail is a real masculine drink where vodka is mixed with orange juice. The history of this cocktail goes back to the mining town where workers used screwdrivers, chattering the contents of their glasses.

Another version of the origin of this cocktail is associated with the name of John Martin, popularizing the Smirnoff brand. Once he drove a tank of this vodka mixed with orange juice to one of Hollywood squares.

In the soul of every man lives a child. Cars and airplanes remain the favorite toys of most of the men. This passion is manifested in small things, in details, in the names of cocktails.

B-52 cocktail

The B-52 cocktail is associated with the appearance in 1995 of the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bomber. The military novelty inspired the male population so much that the cocktail instantly became popular.

The composition of the cocktail is similar to a taste bomb. It contains coffee and orange liqueurs mixed with creamy Baileys. All components are poured in a cocktail spoon in layers in order of decreasing density so that the ingredients do not mix.

First, pour the coffee liquor, slowly and carefully attach the creamy liquor to it, and the orange liquor goes to the final chord.

There are many ways to drink this cocktail, but the most effective is to set fire to the drink. You then drink through a straw through the flames through a straw. This spectacle, requiring some skill and skill, gathers many admiring spectators.

Cocktails For Lovers

And for the last we saved the delicious recipe for the lovers-cocktails for two people, who want to share a sweet romantic drink together. The cocktail is called Evening for two.  The cocktail is mostly homemade and can make your night very delicious.

The “Evening for Two” alcoholic cocktail is a wonderful liquor-based drink with the addition of a flavor of your favorite fruit! It is ideal for those who are preparing a romantic dinner for the second half.

The cocktail will help to decorate any holiday, emphasize the culinary personality and surprise guests, allow you to relax and create the right atmosphere, will captivate with its incredible taste and smell!


  • Chocolate-based liquor – 50 ml.
  • Banana flavor liquor – 50 ml.
  • Liqueur with orange flavor – 20 ml.
  • Fat cream (35%) – 50 ml.
  • Fresh mint – a couple of twigs

To make a cocktail, use a shaker. Three types should be combined: chocolate, banana and orange. The last two options can be replaced with a cherry or strawberry drink – the taste will “sparkle” in a new way.

Alcohol cocktail gently close the shaker. Shake so that all ingredients are mixed. Wait until the drink acquires a uniform consistency. Pour into glasses. You can decorate glasses by first wetting their edges in cold water, and then in sugar.

Chocolate Liqueur The last step is to make cream. To do this, whip the cream until the consistency of thick foam. Pour over the liquor into the glasses. For decoration use sprigs of mint or pieces of chocolate.

Nervous about making your first cocktail? Want to make a good first impression? Look below to get some easy advice from experts!

How to Make a Cocktail Easily

The main secret of success – a drink should be prepared immediately before use. Keeping it in a refrigerator or other place is not recommended. This can negatively affect the taste.

Pay attention to decorating the finished cocktail – this plays a fundamental role in serving it. A hat made of whipped cream with the addition of berries or fruits, as well as nuts, grated cocoa or chocolate, will look beautiful.

Do not mix sour fruits with chocolate liquor (or milk). The recipe above for couples has orange juice – it can be replaced with fresh orange, mandarin or grapefruit. You can also add sour apples to this list.

If a blender is used for cooking, set it to high speed. You should wait until the liquor forms an airy foam, and only then pour it into glasses.

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