The Best Cocktail Garnishes – A Cocktails Perspective

What Are The Best Cocktail Garnishes

A cocktail is an alcoholic drink that is an excellent combination of one or more types of alcoholic spirits that are mixed with flavored syrups, fruit punches, or even cream. The uniqueness about cocktails is that they vary from region to region, having their own signature taste. A lot of cocktails get their share of fame, thanks to the various styles of garnishing!

When we talk about garnishes, the first thing that comes to mind is the idea of some edible or non-edible ingredients tossed on the side, probably as just an afterthought. However, there is more to it than that. Simply put, garnishes enhance the appealing appearances of cocktails and add flavor too. The edible garnishes are meant to be consumed and the non-edible garnishes make the cocktail fancy and appealing. The type of garnishing used, and the ingredients depend on the type of cocktail being served. 

Types of Cocktails

In order to understand cocktail garnishes, it is important to know the types of cocktails rather than just the individual recipes. While there are plenty of cocktails around the world, they all can be classified broadly as follows: 

Short Cocktails:

The most venerable cocktails are usually served in rock glasses. These stirred or shaken drinks which consist of liquor, a mixer, and a simple garnish. Some popular short cocktails are Negroni and Martini.

Highball Cocktails:

Highball cocktails are simple and elegant – they contain only two ingredients, liquor, and soda. Even rum and coke as well as a Cuba Libre is considered as a highball cocktail. These drinks are sipper friendly, but can be very potent if the server makes them so. The highball cocktails are served in tall glasses. 

Blended cocktails:

As the name suggests, blended cocktails are either blended by hand or in a blender. However, to make a blended cocktail, specialized equipment becomes essential. Frozen cocktails such as Pina Colada and Daiquiris also belong to the same category. Other types of cocktails that fall under the category of blended cocktails are frozen cocktails, Pina Coladas, Fruity Daiquiris, etc. Hybrid cocktails are also considered as blended cocktails for the simple reason that classic recipes are served blended with a new twist. 

Hot cocktails:

Buttered Rum, Irish coffee, and apple cider are the first things that we think of when we talk about Hot cocktails. These cocktails are served hot. These idealistic winter drinks have old-world roots and are popular even to this day. Though not all bars serve these, you can relish the exquisite taste of hot cocktails on holidays at exotic beaches! 

Specialty Cocktails:

These cocktails contain a lot of fruit and a lot of froth as well. Native to the Polynesian region, these cocktails are served in fancy glasses, novelty mugs that are shaped like the famous heads at Easter Island. Some countries also serve cocktails in lengths of bamboo! Some of the most popular drinks in this category are the Fog Cutter, Mai Tai, and the Singapore Sling. Have you tried them yet?

Shooter Cocktails 

Not all drinks are meant to be served on the rocks or meant to be sipped. Shooter cocktails are specially designed to be swallowed in one gulp. These colorful and layered cocktails are especially preferred by the younger generation who care more for adventure. 

Healthy Cocktails, Smoothie Cocktails

If you are a cocktail aficionado and if you have ever wondered if virtue and vice can co-exist, the answer is yes! You can make a healthy cocktail by blending spirit or liquor with yogurt or fresh fruit. Vegan cocktails exist too! Simply, skip the milk-based ingredients and switch it up with juices of your choice. 

Non-alcoholic Cocktails

Most cocktails contain alcohol, but it isn’t a must. Many recipes can be accommodated with the virgin versions that are non-alcoholic in nature. Some cocktails are made by leaving out the alcohol completely. 

Undergoing Evolution

Just like every other industry, cocktails have undergone evolution to reach the pinnacle of finesse. Here are some of the most popular cocktails preferred all over the world.

Old-fashioned: As the name suggests, this is one of the oldest cocktails, traditionally made with bourbon or whisky, bitters, a little sugar with some freshly squeezed lemon. This is a popular cocktail all over the world to this day.

Margarita: A perfectly blended Margarita is basically made of tequila, some fresh lime, a pinch of salt, and the perfect amount of triple sec for a sweet tinge. 

Negroni:  One of the most popular old-fashioned cocktails, the Negroni is a delicate blend of Campari, Gin and Sweet Vermouth. 

Whisky Sour: Whisky sour is one of the most preferred cocktails of all time. It is a simple trinity of whisky, fresh lemon juice, and sugar. 

Mimosa: Authentic Mimosa is an elegant blend of equal parts of champagne and orange juice. It is a highly popular cocktail for brunches. Mimosa can also be made of other fresh fruit juices or sparkling wines. 

Sazerac: Native to New Orleans, Sazerac is an elegant harmony of rye whisky, Angostura bitters, a touch of Absinthe, and a sugar cube. 

Daiquiri: Just as frozen desserts have different variations, Daiquiri has multiple combinations. However, the original Daiquiri is a fine blend of rum, a dash of fresh lime juice, and a few drops of simple syrup. 

Martini: Similar to the Daiquiri, various similar drinks borrow this name. Quintessential Martini consists of only vodka or gin, some dry vermouth, and an olive. It is generally stirred while serving.   

Layers, Colors, Textures, Tastes and Garnishes

A cocktail is made interesting with layers, colors, textures, tastes, and garnishes as well. The layers add a visual element as well as enhance the taste. Colors add visual appeal and give a cocktail its signature look. Textures enhance the tasting experience. Garnishes do all of these – add visual appeal, in most cases enhance the taste as well as give the cocktail its signature appearance. Now that you know about the different kinds of cocktails and their essence, let us look into what the different cocktail garnishes are. 

Rum-based cocktails that have a fruity flavor are often decorated with fruits and tropical themes. Slices of fruits, halves or whole cherries and olives, etc. are some of the most common garnishing. 

Tequila usually has citrus-based juices in it. So, the go-to garnishing option would be zest, peel twist, or slices of citrus fruits.  

Gin and vodka-based cocktails have a more dignified flair to them. The garnishes generally consist of onions, olives, and maraschino cherries. 

On the one hand, some cocktails can have fancy and themed garnishes, while classic cocktails have their own standard garnishes, for example, Martini is always garnished with olives, Manhattans with cherries, and Gibson with pearl onions. 

Edible Garnishes

Some of the best edible cocktail garnishes are as follows:

Bitters: Generally used to garnish a whisky sour – egg white is beaten until light, fluffy and frothy. This foam is placed on the whisky and a few drops of bitters are added. Bitters can be slightly stirred or served as it is.

Dry ice can do wonders to how your cocktail looks ultimately – magical! Take care to let it sink fully into the cocktail. Do not handle dry ice without gloves or tongs. Make sure that dry ice does not come in contact with your skin directly.

Edible flowers tastefully decorated on a cocktail pick: you can play around with the colors to create a monochrome look or contrasts as well. You can pair these edible flowers with berries and fruits that complement the taste and flavor.

Herbs such as thyme, rosemary, basil, etc. can be used. You can use any flavored herb that adds a well-blended and delicate flavor to the cocktail.

Sweeteners: You can use honey, maple, agave, etc. as a cocktail sweetener. You can dip the rim of the glass in the syrup to create a rich look.

Fire: Flaming cocktails are not just a treat for your taste buds but also your eyes. You can have simple flaming cocktails or pick the more dramatic ones such as the lime shell flame! Take a cleaned-out lime shell. Insert a cocktail pick. You can use either one or two cocktail picks. Balance it on your cocktail glass. Pour either fireproof rum or lemon extract over a dried cube of bread. You can even use a crouton. Once it is fully soaked, light it carefully. Voila!

Floral ice cubes: You can collect edible flowers that have a nice flavor and smell. Wash it and clean it well. Place these flowers in your ice tray. You can arrange it as creatively as you want, by having a bigger flower in the center and smaller ones all around it. Carefully pour water and allow it to freeze. Once the ice is ready, you can use it in your cocktails.

Smoked cinnamon sticks flourish (Take a nice piece of cinnamon. Lay it on a fireproof surface. Light one end of the cinnamon stick and invert the glass in which you intend to serve the cocktail on the lit cinnamon stick. Let it smoke up. You can prepare your cocktail meanwhile. Once your cocktail is ready, you can pour the drink into the glass that is now prepped. The smoky flavor enhances the drink. You can use the rest of the cinnamon stick to garnish the cocktail. 

Stencils: Also, popularly known as egg white stencils, these are a very popular garnishing option. They provide the perfect backdrop and color combination for your drink. You can use a ready-made stencil or make your own using just card paper and scissors. Take the whites of eggs (as many as you require) and beat it until it is light and frothy. Just remember to leave a little room between the top of your cocktail glass and the egg white layer. Hold your stencil steady without touching the egg white. You can sprinkle grated cinnamon or spray bitters. You can even use multiple stencils. Get as creative as you want. 

The Night Sky: Yes, you read that right. All you need are butterfly pea flowers. First, boil the blue flowers in water. You can add a pinch of sugar if you prefer. Once the tea is ready, let it cool down. Then add it to the ice tray and let it freeze. Once the blue ice cubes are ready, add them to your drink. As they melt, you will see the beautiful shades of the night sky unfolding in your glass.

Monogrammed fruits: This is one of the best ways to creatively customize a cocktail at your party. You can simply use a cookie cutter to cut out letters. You can also use different colored fruits if you want to create a funky cocktail. 

Themed cocktails: If you want to opt for a monochrome theme for an event, you can use garnishes of the same shades as that of the cocktail. In fact, you can use multiple ingredients that belong to the same color group. For example, you can easily put together cranberries, processed cherries, and pale maroon flowers. This way, you can create monochrome or themed cocktails. 

Candied Ginger adds a multitude of mild flavors to your cocktail. A little sweetness, a little zing and can make a cocktail flavorful. 

Carrot slices, sticks, or fanciful cut pieces can be used on the rim of the cocktail glass. You can also use cocktail picks to place the carrots the way you want. 

Celery stalks with the leaves are usually just dipped in the drink in the cocktail glass. 

Grated cinnamon or cinnamon rolls can be used on their own or with a combination of other garnishes depending on the type of cocktail that you want to serve.

Cocktail olives (whole or halved) and sometimes stuffed with pimentos can be used to garnish cocktails. Olives add their own unique flavor to a cocktail.  

Flowers of various kinds that are edible can be used to visually enhance cocktails. 

Lemon (zest, twist, slice, wedge, etc.) 

Lime (zest, twist, slice, wedge, etc.)

Maraschino cherry (whole or halved)

Mint sprigs, or mint leaves 

Grated nutmeg or sprinkled nutmeg powder

Orange (zest, twist, slice, wedge, etc.)

Pineapple (slice, wedge, or cut pieces)


Salt: Usually, the rim of the glass is dipped in freshly squeezed lemon juice and then in salt. Different types of salt can be used – black salt, pink salt, or sea salt)

Star anise (slit or whole)

Sugar (powder or granules)


Strawberry (slice or wedge)

Watermelon (small slice or wedge)

Non-edible Garnishes

Here are some of the best non-edible garnishes that you can use for your cocktail:

Beads – you can use beads, or a string of beads to create a carnival-themed cocktail. The beads can be such that they complement the cocktail. 

Umbrellas – one of the most common non-edible garnishes for a cocktail is an umbrella. It is almost synonymous with the concept of a cocktail. 

Drinking straws – these come in various shapes and sizes. You can use them according to the cocktail. Straws can also be used in combination with other garnishes such as the umbrella. 

Flags – Flags need not necessarily be those of countries. For instance, you can use a pirate flag for a pirate-themed party, or a victory flag for a celebratory event.

Swords and other cutesy stuff – the list goes on and on. You can practically use anything to garnish your cocktail. Some such things consist of sparklers, swizzles, candles, flames, etc. 

When you look at the concept of garnishing a cocktail, you can get as creative as you want. A good cocktail not only tastes good, but also looks very appealing. If you are creating classic cocktails that are made traditionally, you will have to stick to the exact recipe, garnishes, and serving style. However, if you want something new, you can always try out new ideas with whatever you find at home. Just making the perfect cocktail is not just art but being able to present it in an appealing way is art too. 

If you are not too sure about trying out such a thing, there is nothing to worry about. Start practicing when you fix a drink for yourself. Once you are more confident, you can prepare your own cocktail effortlessly and serve it to family and friends. You can then take their valuable feedback to get better at making and serving cocktails.  

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