Cocktail glass and Martini glass Differences – The Best Advice

Cocktails are one of the best ways to relax yourself after a long day. Happy hour drinks are used by many to recharge the energy lost after a tiring day. Cocktails look all the more elegant and graceful when they are served in the right glasses. Though there are many different glasses used to serve cocktails, the cocktail glass and the Martini glass are 2 glasses in which most cocktails are served.

They both are different their shape and structure. Needless to say that the drinks that are served in them differ too. They are 2 of the classiest glasses in which you can serve the drinks and enjoy sipping your favourite cocktails. Here we will be talking about the differences between the two and how they are used by bartenders and mixologists.

Cocktail Glass

 One of the most used glasses when it comes to serving cocktails, the cocktail glass is a stemmed glass with an inverted cone bowl. It is used to serve different kinds of cocktails and is often the glass most used. The Martini and its variations are consumed using this glass. This glass was invented in the 19th century. There is a pretty scientific and interesting aspect of its origin.

As we all know that all the cocktails are served chilled and are also known to contain an aromatic element. This was the reason the cocktail glass was invented. The stem of the glass prevents the drinker from making any kind of contact with the drink. This is helpful in many ways. The most beneficial effect is that this prevents any kind of hampering of the temperature of the drink. Another aspect of the glass that is useful is its wide bowl.

The wide bowl places the drink directly under the nose of the drinker. This helps the drinker in appreciating the aroma of the drink. The desired effect of the aromatic element of the drink is more pronounced with the help of a cocktail glass.

Cocktail glasses are of many types. The number of cocktail glasses that have been created are perhaps as many as the number of drinks that can be served in them. From margarita to El Diablo to Paloma, you can be sure of the fact that a perfect glass exists to complement the drink.

The Martini Glass

The Martini Glass has very little differentiating features with respect to the cocktail glass. While the Martini is no doubt one of the best drinks, one shouldn’t forget the fact that it is much more then its ingredients. The Martini glass has now become synonymous and as famous as the drink itself. One cannot imagine sipping a Martini in any other piece of glassware. Such is the rich history of the glass, that every bar now has the Martini glasses stock finished pretty soon.

The truth of the matter is that the origin of the Martini glass predates the drink itself. Though it was only after the drink gained popularity, that the glass followed suit. The Martini glass is often confused with the cocktail glass but there is a subtle yet striking difference between them. A bartender knows the difference. To the uninitiated, the contrast may not be visible with that ease.

The cocktail glass has a narrower rim. It is also more rounded and slightly smaller than the Martini glass. The Martini glass became distinct from the cocktail glass only in the early 20th century. The Martini glass was more wider and with a slightly longer stem.

Again this wasn’t done just for aesthetically pleasing purposes but on practical basis as well.  As Martinis must always be served frosty cold, the longer stem helped in ensuring that the temperature remained as desired.

The widened brim of the glass was also beneficial to the gin based cocktail’s taste. The wider brim allowed greater exposure to air. This in turn allowed the spirit to open up. The botanicals of the gin were more discernible due to the widened brim of the Martini glass. This favours the taste of the drink and is no doubt, aesthetically appealing too. These small variations may not look like a big change, but the affect that have on the quality of the drink overall, are appreciable.

For a really good Martini, it is essential that the ingredients of the drink are mixed perfectly well. Only then can a drinker enjoy the true flavour of the cocktail. Another way in which the Martini glass is different from a cocktail glass.

The steeply sloping sides of the glass are another differentiating feature. They help by allowing the ingredients of the drink to remain together. This also helps to support a cocktail skewer of olives or a toothpick.

There is a very funny and interesting story behind the origin of the Martini glass. It is said that the glass originated during the US prohibition. The theory goes that the wide rim of the glass was invented so that if the police invaded your speakeasy, you could quickly discard the drink without the fear of being caught. Of course those times are behind us and now it’s use is limited to enjoying the drink. And in any case, discarding a Martini look like a cruel task, doesn’t it?

The Martini glass is now just as famous as the drink itself. The drink has gained huge popularity in recent years. “Shaken, not stirred”, is a famous catchphrase of the James Bond franchise. The drink is loved by people all around the world. And the Martini glass is equally loved too. Doesn’t matter what kind of Martini you are having, the Martini glass gives you the proper feeling of sipping one of the best cocktails to have ever existed.

Cocktail Glass vs Martini Glass

The difference between the cocktail and the Martini glass though subtle, plays a major role in deciding the types of drinks that can be served in them. The Martini is one of the most popular cocktails and the Martini glass has, since its origin, been used to serve it.

Though the terms cocktail glass and Martini glass are used interchangeably, the slight differences are all that matter. Highball glass, Collins glass, Lowball glass, are some of the different types of cocktail glasses that are used in the bars.

The Martini glasses can also be classified as one of the many types of cocktail glasses. They come in so many variations, stem sizes and colours nowadays that the choices available are baffling. There are many cocktail enthusiasts who are so mesmerised by the sheer varieties of the Martini glass that they can’t help but have a cupboard full of them. There elegance is one of the many reasons that has helped them gain huge fame and popularity for themselves.

One may argue as to whether it is beneficial to invest in both the cocktail and the Martini glass. And the answer to that question is always affirmative. The overall benefit of possessing different kinds of glasses is to enrich the drinking experience. Both the glasses have their own perks. They have been used to serve different kinds or cocktails and are an essential addition to the overall drinking experience.

Presentation is as important as the quality of the drink. Serving the drink in the right glass adds a certain quality to the drink that cannot be compensated by any other methods. Using a specific type of drink-ware is the right way to make the experience more memorable.

So, these are the differentiating features of the cocktail and the Martini glass. Both these glasses are popular among cocktail enthusiasts. They are used to serve some very famous and soothing cocktails. There role is not limited to being a vessel in which the drink is served. They also make the whole drinking experience more pleasant and enticing.

Both these glasses should be present in the cupboard of a cocktail enthusiast. The variety of drinks that can be served in them is what makes them an essential commodity. So go out there and stock the best glasses so that you can enjoy the drinks you prepare, with more fun!

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